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  • +91-9499634919

Direct Referral

You can join unlimited associates under your ID. There are no any restrictions to join multiple subscribers under you. You will be get level income as per direct or indirect referrel associates.

Auto Level Income

You will get auto level income as per downline progressment of your team. If You have 5 Direct Referal ID Tou will get 11-Level Auto Income otherwise get 5-Level auto income as below table.

Working Income

None Working Income

Level Members Working Income
1 10 40
2 100 40
3 1000 40
4 10000 40
5 100000 40
6 1000000 40
7 10000000 40
8 100000000 40
9 1000000000 40
10 1000000000 40
11 1000000000 40
12 1000000000 40
13 1000000000 40
14 1000000000 40
15 1000000000 40
16 1000000000 40
17 1000000000 40
18 1000000000 40
19 1000000000 40
20 1000000000 40
21 1000000000 40
22 1000000000 40
23 1000000000 40
24 1000000000 40
Level Members Non Working Income
1 2 0
2 4 60
3 8 30
4 16 20
5 32 12.5
6 64 10
7 128 10
8 256 10
9 512 10
10 1024 10
11 2048 7.31

Business opportunity For User

Each and every user buy or purchase with any mutli store , get cash back point. And after 10000 Point you will get 600 Rs voucher with product and become our member.

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Business opportunity For Vendor

sanklap pariwar offer free registration of any kinds of vendor, shop, retailer and wholesaler for business lead and direct online buy products/services. And get free advertising, manage store, display product and many more.

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